Casssidy Fry
Age: 13
Birthday: September 28th
School: New Century Middle, 7th Grade
Best Event: 100 backstroke
Swimming for: 3 Years
Goal for this season: Make JOs in the 50 free, 100 backstroke, 100 free, 200 IM
Things she plans to do to reach goals this season: Work on starts, turns, and technique
Favorite Swimmer: Michael Phelps
Favorite thing about swimming: Going to meets, hanging out with swimmer friends. She loves to do relays at practice and at meets. Her favorite relay is the 200 medly relay, swimming either backstroke or butterfly
Pets: One cat named Snow. Also has a brother, Matthew (17) who also swims at Union Pines
Hobbies besides swimming: Playing the flute, reading, bike-riding
Favorite movie: Harry Potter movies
Favorite Food: Spaghetti with Meatballs
Long-term Goals: Go to UNC, be a doctor
Best thing about being a Sandshark: Having a team that will always be there.